AUGUSTA and DIRCEU’s Homepage – Reiki - The Universal energy - Deutsch - Français  - Italiano - Español - Português
Reiki attunemnts, Reiki distance healing, Reiki initiations, Usui system Reiki is a Japanese word that means universal vital energy. It is usually used to identify a peculiar system of healing. The Usui System of healing after the name of his discoverer Mikao Usui. Rei means Universal, it refers to the cosmic spiritual energy, which penetrates everything and is present every where, from the galaxies to the atom. From the least living entity to the human being. Ki is the name for the vital force that keeps us alive. Reiki is the meeting of these forces, which purifies and heals the body, mind and spirit. It is transferred from a practitioner to a client, who does not need to believe in it to receive its benefits. It is natural and does not any  harm. This energy cannot be used for evil purposes because it is based on universal love. It is supposed that Reiki originated in Tibet and Dr. Mikao Usui, a professor from Kyoto who traveled to India and Tibet in search for a forgotten healing force, rediscovered it. In 1908 Mikao Usui went to the Mt. Kurama and there he had a cosmic attunement and then he understood how to use some symbols he had found in Tibet and he started healing people. Only in 1970 it came to the West thanks to Howayo Takata a Japanese-American woman who lived in Hawaii. She trained 22 Reiki Masters in the USA before her death. Today there are hundreds of thousands of Reiki Masters and practitioners around the world. The Reiki  practitioner is someone who received a special

Mikao Usui
 attunement, which enables sharing of cosmic energy personally or at distance. Reiki is an intelligent energy, which finds its way into the body of the patient, improving his health conditions and correcting what is wrong. It is not aimed at replacing medicine, but helping the body to react quicker against a particular sickness and respond better to any medical treatment, improving also the receptivity of the client and helping also emotionally/spiritually to the situation. When used at a distance it may also help a person to have a better insight of his particular problem. According to some practitioners put the universe to work in benefit of the recipient or, perhaps better explained by some Masters to help the recipient to put himself in attunement with cosmic laws and therefore helping him to overcome problems and reach long waited and deserved goals.
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